Oggi voglio presentarvi il mio cavallo di battaglia, una ricetta che non abbandonerete più, che vi farà sentire soddisfatte di voi stesse e che vi porterà mille complimenti da chi dovesse assaggiarla.
Come fare una pizza
Spesso mi sono sentita chiedere consigli su come fare una pizza facile e veloce che sporchi poco in giro oppure, da chi ha provato in tutti i modi a fare una pizza e non c’è mai riuscita, una ricetta di sicura riuscita.
Quando supermamma mi ha detto che avrebbe messo la ricetta della pizza con il bimby abbiamo pensato insieme di pubblicare in contemporanea in modo tale da dare le due versioni.
E quindi eccomi qui a condividere con voi questo mio gioiellino che mi ha dato grandi soddisfazioni con grandi e piccini, perché morbida per bimbo di un anno o per un novantenne senza denti ma croccante allo stesso tempo, certo molto dipende dal tipo di farina che usate e io sono solita a fare una miscela di 300 gr di manitoba e 200 gr. di farina 00 per pizza.
Ma adesso bando alle ciance ed eccovi la ricetta.
Pizza facile e veloce….

La pizza sarà croccante e morbida allo stesso tempo, con la stessa ricetta potete fare la focaccia e il pane.
Buon appetito.
English version
Today I want to present my workhorse, a recipe that you will never abandon, that will make you feel satisfied with yourself and that will bring you a thousand compliments from those who should taste it.
How to make a pizza
I have often been asked for advice on how to make a quick and easy pizza that doesn’t dirty around a lot or, from those who have tried in every way to make a pizza and have never succeeded, a recipe of sure success.
When she supermum she told me that she would put the pizza recipe with the thermomix we thought together to publish at the same time in order to give the two versions.
And so here I am to share with you this little gem of mine that has given me great satisfaction with young and old, because it is soft for a one-year-old or a ninety-year-old without teeth but crunchy at the same time, certainly a lot depends on the type of flour you use. and I am used to making a mixture of 300 gr of manitoba and 200 gr. 00 flour for pizza.
But now no more chatter and here’s the recipe.
Quick and easy pizza ….
500 gr flour type “o” (I used 300 of Manitoba and 200 of “00”,
20 gr of salt,
1 cube of brewer’s yeast dissolved in
350 ml of warm water (I use half a cube of yeast and extend the leavening times so for those who work, they can do this procedure in the morning and finish preparing for lunch … in the summer, lukewarm water is not needed and the cooking times leavening decrease).
Put all the ingredients in the mixer, close it,
first shake in a rotary direction until you no longer feel the water;
then in a jolting sense for about 20 seconds cover with film,
close with the lid and leave to rise for about an hour checking from time to time, the dough will increase three times and will be sticky, I help myself with a silicone spatula to get it down into the pan,
then I wet my hands with oil so I can work better to roll out the dough,
I spread it with my hands giving the shape of the pan
initially it will struggle and the edges will shrink, then I leave another 5 minutes for the dough to grow just a little and soften so this procedure is very simple if you have to make some holes just adjust with your fingers.
I grease the pan with olive oil, dress only with tomato and bake at 200/220 g ventilated for at least ten / fifteen minutes
I open and insert the seasoning and mozzarella and bake again to complete
when you see that the pizza comes off the edges you have to wait another 5 minutes and the pizza is ready but also check below that the pizza is colored, or worse if it seems ready before you take it out, it also depends on the ovens you have.
The pizza will be crunchy and soft at the same time, with the same recipe you can make focaccia and bread.
Enjoy your meal.
è la stessa che faccio io, anche se io faccio un pò a occhio, senza pesare gli ingredienti e infatti ne faccio sempre tantissime…..io xò la impasto a man
maria brava anche io la faccio spesso a mano anche per giocare con i bimbi che si riempiono di farina 🙂
angela anche la tua aveva un aspetto niente male 🙂