Ingredienti per preparare il latte di mandorla
Procedimento per preparare il latte di mandorla:
Con l’arrivo delle prime giornate calde, vi propongo una bevanda che i miei bambini adorano, il latte di mandorle in questo caso da fare con il Bimby.
Ingredienti Latte di mandorla fatto in casa:
50 gr di zucchero
100 gr di mandorle spelate
300 gr di acqua ben fredda
Procedimento Latte di mandorla fatto in casa:
Nel boccale asciutto e pulito mettiamo lo zucchero e lo polverizziamo 10 sec. vel 9.
Aggiungiamo le mandorle e polverizziamo 20 sec. vel. 10
Aggiungiamo con il misurino inserito l’acqua a filo 10 sec. vel 4 e poi 10 sec. vel 10
My sister in law from the holiday in Sicily brought me a stick of almond paste to make almond milk. I naively put it in pieces in the water and stirred it hoping it would melt. When I saw that nothing happened, I asked my sister-in-law for more information, who instead had the precise recipe given. Of course they could have put it on the packaging too! However now I will explain how to prepare it.
Recipe for 1 L and a half of almond milk – english version
Ingredients for preparing almond milk
A 250g stick of almond paste (my dough is very good pistachio!)
650 ml of partially skim milk (soy milk if you are vegan)
650 ml of water
If you want a lighter result just use
1300 ml of water without adding milk
Procedure for preparing almond milk:
Take 400 ml of water from the total and bring it to a boil in a saucepan, add the chopped almond paste dough. Turn off the heat, turn to melt the dough and let it cool completely.
At this point add the milk and the remaining water to rest at least two hours before serving!
With the arrival of the first warm days, I propose a drink that my children love, almond milk in this case to be done with the Thermomix.
Ingredients Homemade almond milk:
50 gr of sugar
100 gr of peeled almonds
300 gr of cold water
Homemade almond milk process:
In the dry and clean mug we put the sugar and pulverize it 10 sec. vel 9.
Add the almonds and pulverize 20 sec. vel. 10
We add with the measuring cup inserted the water flush 10 sec. speed 4 and then 10 sec. vel 10
Mi devo ricordare di comprare il preparato, che ormai è stagione di bevande fredde!
hai ragione 🙂